Friday, February 24, 2012

Can an SQL Server stored procedure write output to an excel formated file?

To clarify the previous post.
I would like to write a stored procedure that a client can call. The
stored procedure will then output its result in an excel file.
chariaYou have things a little reversed. You should have the stored procedure
return the data. How you call the report will determine how it is rendered
(HTML, CSV, PDF, Excel etc). When integrating reports you can use URL
integration or webservices. Neither of which would be that easy from a
stored procedure.
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
<> wrote in message
> Hi,
> To clarify the previous post.
> I would like to write a stored procedure that a client can call. The
> stored procedure will then output its result in an excel file.
> Thanks,
> charia

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